Jacob L. Dickinson, MD, FACS
Jennifer T. Foster, MD, FACS
John Austin Carlisle, DO
David M. Harrison, MD, FACS
Isabella Guajardo, MD
Megan R. Terry, APRN
Isaac J. Gaston, APRN
Nathan C. Blanton, APRN

Understanding Vein Disease

Veins in your legs carry blood back to your heart. Valves inside your veins help keep the blood from flowing backward. Venous Insufficiency (VI) occurs when the valves stop working. When this happens, blood can flow backward and pool inside your legs and can cause the following symptoms:


·       Leg pain

·       Leg aching

·       Leg throbbing

·       Leg fatigue or tiredness

·       Leg swelling

·       Varicose veins

·       Spider veins

·       Leg heaviness

·       Leg cramps

·       Itchy legs

·       Leg weakness

·       Restless legs

·       Skin color changes

·       Texture changes

·       Leg ulcers


What causes venous insufficiency?


Genetics, prolonged sitting or standing, pregnancy, obesity, and history of blood clots are all causes of VI. 


How is VI diagnosed?


Venous insufficiency is diagnosed with a thorough evaluation of your symptoms, along with a review of an ultrasound performed on your legs. The ultrasound maps out the vein size and duration of any backflow present.


How is VI treated?


There are several minimally invasion options available to treat venous insufficiency. Possible treatment options include:

·       Conservative therapy – this includes wearing of compression stockings, leg elevation, weight reduction, and increased exercise

·       Vein ablation – ablation can be achieved by several methods including thermals, medical-grade adhesive, and injectable foam


Your vein specialist will take into consideration the severity of your symptoms and ultrasound results to tailor a treatment plan specific to you. 

Jacob L. Dickinson, MD, FACS
Jennifer T. Foster, MD, FACS
John Austin Carlisle, DO
David M. Harrison, MD, FACS
Isabella Guajardo, MD
Megan R. Terry, APRN
Isaac J. Gaston, APRN
Nathan C. Blanton, APRN
Ozark Surgical Group
901 Burnett Drive
Mountain Home, AR 72653
Phone | 870.425.9120
Toll Free | 866.853.3754
Fax | 870.424.7666
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